When was first time I ever did something all by myself?

While cycling back from my workplace to home which is not more than a 15min ride and then I saw a deep purple two wheeler, it was with me for a good 5 mins ride and it reminded me of my childhood only friend who used to take me places on her similar looking wheeler and I for years never ever did go anywhere else all by myself!
I was always a timid kid growing up, maybe I grew up in a house where we told to be rather quiet than be a furious one. Now that I look back it was very calm in its own way, but then it never gave me the space to talk to strangers as well.
Cut to preparing for my design college I took a boot camp course right before the exams and this was a major career decision and I and only I was the part of it.
I have this vivid memory of sitting in an Auto and going to my classes and feeling shy about myself and the work I was doing and all the other people in the class were beyond my space and imagination.
But looking back brought back those memories how I have literally grown up to be this person in the crowd who’d rather shine and not hide behind a person or a book or a table
How did it all change?
- Dressing up and feeling good in my own skin gave me that confidence that if nothing else I am at-least best dressed in the group, I knew fashion, I used to read magazines all the time and it became a snowball effect
- Only when I started talking to a people or few I knew I was funny or I can choose to be funny whenever I want, took it as chance to be heard in a group
- I was dancing ever since I was in my mothers womb (her words, not mine), and dancing well is an advantage to be social and seen, not matter how good or bad
- I was always a very disciplined kid, thanks to my strict parents it always kept me in line, I rarely saw my dad taking a day off work even if he was sick. He always says just show up, things will work out
Ya, just felt like putting this out somewhere, hope it touches someone who needs it 👌🏼