A main character approach to life
does it work well really?

I went to meet a long-lost friend a couple of days back; we weren’t really in touch nor was she active on social media hence. this one time she even made me a playlist when I had a small disagreement with my dad just to cheer me up.
So, when she messaged me where I am living off late my instant question was are you in Bombay?
she said, “yes! I got a job as a senior copywriter here and it’s been 2–3 weeks now, all settled, when are we meeting?”
I travel 2 hours to meet her just to realize how we have grown into absolutely 2 different people within a span of 2 years, and this day she is asking me to leave indirectly just because I said I don’t drink or smoke anymore, I felt really bad, I felt I was naked and all those tall buildings lights were little eyes who could see through me and I was all NAKED.
While coming back my uber driver couldn’t find the building and I walked 8–9 minutes to find where it was, but that 8 minutes' walk started as a walk of shame and then converted into a major main character movie,
- First 2 minutes it felt like everyone is looking at me at my clothes my skin which is barely visible? is this how vulnerability feels like?
- 3rd minute is when I put on my earphones and play a song to ignore the outer screams
- 4th minute is when I understand the lyrics and few teardrops run down from the eye asking me to learn and understand self
- 5th minute is when the inner angel asks me to tell myself that I am the smartest and coolest for myself, I make myself happy
- 6th minute is when the song fades out and I am back to the out space, but I don’t see people staring
- 7th minute is I fumble and then walk up to only realize no one even looked at me or cared to hold up?
- 8th minute, who got my back really first if I fall right now? my independent ass myself. period.
If I look back to the day, I remember the confident walk which I took saying this to myself that you will never be cool enough for people, but I’ll cool enough for me, I texted her the moment I sat in the cab that, let’s part ways and I hope Bombay gives you more than you ask for.
so it’s a good bye from deep self